Orhan Pamuk。
(Ruya 的 u ,應像變音字符一樣,上面有兩點,但這樣會使文章亂碼,我唯有打 u 字。)Do you know what, darling? When you're this sad, I'm sad too. I feel as if there is instinct buried somewhere deep inside me -- in my body, my soul -- well, somewhere: When I see you sad, I get sad. It's as if some computer inside me says, WHEN YOU SEE THAT RUYA IS SAD YOU GET SAD TOO.
I can get sad for no reason, too, and just as suddenly. I can be in the middle of an ordinary day, tending to the refrigerator or the paper or my mind or my hair. My mind goes off on a tangent: this life ... but let's stop for a moment. I look at Ruya, and her face is dark and clouded; she's curled up on the divan, just lying there -- what's made her so unhappy? -- watching the world from the corner of her eye and her father watching her watch the world.--- "When Ruya is Sad"
新書 Other Colours: Essays and a Story 。帕慕克曾為某雜誌供稿,每周一篇短文,後來結集成書,最近譯成英文(Faber and Faber, 2007),讀起來跟我們的專欄相似。作者在序言說: "This is a book made of ideas, images, and fragments of life that have still not found their way into one of my novels." 書的第一部分叫 "Living and Worrying",就記了一些關於女兒的瑣事,上課,在家的小玩意,去海邊之類(帕慕克寫:"When I go to the seaside with my four-year-old daughter, Ruya, I become the happiest man in the world." 我很喜歡這篇叫 "To be Happy" 的短文),只用簡潔的文字就能把生命的細微末節描繪得十分溫柔和立體。
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